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Find all the latest news on Paul Peter Tak, as well as a comprehensive list of his past interviews and features. Paul Peter’s work in immunology and the pharmaceutical industry has led him to be featured in both business and medicine specific publications.

During his time at GlaxoSmithKline, Paul Peter gave a number of interviews and briefs, including one with the Biochemical Society in 2017. In this insightful interview, Paul Peter outlined what the GSK Immunology Network was and its impact on this important area of research.

In December 2020, Paul Peter Tak spoke with Eleanor Malone, from Scrip, about the work Candel Therapeutics was undertaking in the field of cancer immunotherapy and the companies ambitious future. Paul Peter has also had more broad discussions around his career and what inspires him, such as his interview with Stephanie Sutton for The Medicine Maker, in 2020.   

GlaxoSmithKline Scientist Steps Down to Join Flagship Pioneering

Dr Tak’s new role will help oversee scientific ventures to find transformative treatments for conditions such as cancer, neurodegenerative disease and autoimmune diseases. https://www.businessle…

Going with Your Gut Instinct

I’ve been interested in this field since before the term “microbiome” was coined. In the 1990s, I conducted research at Leiden University Medical Center on the role of microorganisms in the pathogen…

Stimulating the Vagus Nerve to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

To explain the story briefly, I became interested in the cholinergic and anti-inflammatory pathway due to serendipity.


An exodus of pharma R&D leaders to small biotechs and start-ups over the last year reflects a new phase in the ecosystem’s churn of talent. But it’s not all loss for the pharmas. The transition …

BioCentury Innovations

“Our philosophy is to be very open with the external world in terms of target identification and target validation. We compete in terms of molecules.” While academic partnerships have become par …

Targeting Immuno-Inflammation: Where Industry and Academia Interface

Although inflammation is a necessary biological process in response to injury and disease, at abnormal levels it is also responsible for a significant annual health burden. Immune-mediated inflammat…
Paul Peter Tak

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